Take A.C.T.I.O.N with your Natural Hair!

When I woke the next day with natural hair, it was hard for me to leave the house looking ill-groomed and androgynous.  I had grown accustomed to my Halle Berry pixie style. That cut, courtesy of a chemical relaxer so it could lay just right, was sassy and sexy.  I liked facing the world feeling confident, in charge, channeling my Halle hair.

With my cropped hair, however, I had nothing to work with. My theme music went silent in my head.  My Mojo seemed to evaporate.  Unfortunately, I’m not like those lucky women who look strikingly beautiful with a shaved head.  I don’t have the face for baldness.

Nor do I have the kind of hair that forms curls on its own. My tight little broke-back coils refused do anything without extreme coaxing and prompting.

Until my hair grew, the only thing I could do was practice acceptance.  I pretended to “rock” my new style. But pretending to be confident about my natural wasn’t natural. I didn’t feel good about the way I looked with my short hair.  Of course, my husband, friends and co-workers waved imaginary pompoms, cheering me on.  “Go, Pam. Go Pam. Party like it’s your birthday–. You can rock any style!” I knew they were just making me feel good. I wanted to hide out at home.

Finally, I stopped pretending and took A.C.T.I.O.N with my hair.  Try practicing these things:

Acceptance.  I accepted my hair for real.  I learned on a YouTube video from a woman called, “Naptural,” that I should be happy with my hair, at whatever length it is.  It will eventually grow, but in the meantime, embrace what you have.  Remember why you went natural in the first place.

Confidence.  I recommend you use the time you would have spent sitting in the salon or bumping your hair with the flat iron to do some serious self-reflection. You ARE beautiful, despite the way your hair looks! You might try focusing on your inner beauty instead.  I discovered that so many imperfections are masked by a smile.


“I learned how to accept my hair and smile again.”

Talking to it.  Yes, I seriously mean you should talk to your hair.  Love it.  Be kind and gentle to it.  Get to know what it likes.  For instance, how do you know which oil your hair likes better: avocado or olive, unless you have a relationship with it?

Inventiveness. Try out new accessories to enhance your new look.  Try scarves, hats, earrings and even wigs.  Why not? Have fun.

Observant.  Watch YouTube videos about natural hair (but note that not everyone knows what they’re talking about; be discerning.). Read books, magazine articles, and internet articles.  And talk to women who have been natural for a while to get their advice.

Never go back.  This is the pinnacle tip. No matter how discouraged you get, don’t cave in and get another relaxer. Please. Follow the logic that we should never go back to bad restaurants, bad boyfriends or bad hair practices. Be strong.

Natural for life,


6 thoughts on “Take A.C.T.I.O.N with your Natural Hair!

  1. Well done, Pam! I have been natural for 3 years after a lifetime of a relaxer and I’m NOT going back! I would advise those who are natural to do what I did….play with the natural hair products out there until you find one that your hair likes. Many of the hair product companies have finally seen the light that we (“natural sisters”) are a huge market and we will pay for what works with/on our hair.

    • Hi Donna,
      Thanks for reading it! Yes, I’m with you. I love all the versatility that comes with being natural. These company’s are smart to cater to us. It only works toward their benefit because one size doesn’t fit all, so we’re constantly trying new products to find the one that best suits our hair. Have a great day!

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